Goodwill in the Emek, Uncategorized

The Bikura School

On the Mechina’s weekly volunteer day, participants arrive at the school to give one-on-one tutoring to students with learning disabilities, supervised by the educational staff. Every student is acknowledged, and a point is made of their presence, since the school has only one class for each year, creating a warm and comfortable family atmosphere. This exceptional work exposes the Mechina participants to a school environment, unlike what they’ve always been familiar with. In addition, they learn a new cultural language and take on new challenges. By the end of the year special connections have developed between the children and Mechina members and we notice remarkable improvements in the students’ performance and their daily behavior.

A member of the Mechina summarizes the year of volunteer work at the school:

“During the course of the year, I learned how to not give up on any child; I learned how to be patient with the children, how to recognize unusual reactions at different events, and I especially learned how every one of the students is a special world of their own in their inherent uniqueness. The administrative staff and the teachers taught us how to maintain our high expectations, not to give up, and to find the source of motivation and belief in every student throughout. I learned that even if I sometimes feel I’m not making a difference to the children – every little thing done together with them does eventually become meaningful for them.
I learned how important it is to be a role model but ultimately it is the personal interest and interaction that help them cope with their lives and manage all their daily difficulties at school and at home. Now, after having completed my last session at the school, I understand how special this place is for me. “

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