The Mechina participants volunteer in a project of guidance and mentoring for elementary school children in cooperation with the program “Youth Futures” in Emek HaMa’ayanot. The project’s vision is to give every child in Israel’s geographic and social periphery, the safety, opportunities and skills to succeed in realizing her/his unique potential. About 30 Mechina participants go to Tel Teomim, Revaya, Rehov, Sdei Terumot, Yardena, Beit Yosef and Beit She’an and have personal meetings with children in the first to the eighth grade. The goal of the mentoring is to plant in each child the belief that each one of them there has a unique collection of abilities, strength and talents, to help the children develop a positive self-image, to have academic achievements and to live an independent life as an adult. According to our educational philosophy giving is essentially receiving and so both sides benefit.
Youth Futures
